Meet Our Team
Monet Goode, M.S., CCC-SLP
Monet is a speech therapist with over a decade of experience working in the schools and private practice serving children of all ages and abilities. She has advanced training in Gestalt Language Processing and is passionate about supporting the unique needs of the children she serves.
Emmett Marsh, M.A., CCC-SLP
Start with the person’s first name and title when you introduce them. Then write a very brief bio. It is just a quick summary of experience and any advanced trainings or certifications. Keep it under 60 words.
Eleanor Parks, Staffing Director
Start with the person’s first name and title when you introduce them. Then write a very brief bio. It is just a quick summary of experience and any advanced trainings or certifications. Keep it under 60 words.

Let’s Get Started!
At mei quis eius quas, mei ea lucilius qualisque explicari. Ne mel choro option. Ne per altera iriure concludaturque. Affert alterum repudiare at vis, apeirian gubergren an quo, soleat possit id his.